Danu Trails were developed for adventurous and active tourists who want to experience Myanmar culture, immerse themselves in nature and get some physical exercise at the same time! They offer a great alternative to routes leaving from Kalaw and an authentic experience in an unexplored region of Myanmar.
These trails were developed by GIZ Myanmar, Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development and the Danu Literature, Culture and Development Association. The trails, maps, brochures, photos and other promotional material on this website have been developed as copy-right free documents for use by tourists, Danu trekking guides, tour operators and other parties interested in promoting tourism and local employment in the Danu SAZ.
About Danu and the Trails
The Danu SAZ is comprised of Pindaya and Ywangan Townships. The region has approximately 150,000 residents and is strategically located for tourism, between Mandalay and Inlay Lake. The climate in this area is favourable for outdoor activities, being more temperate than lower Myanmar.
When entering Danu Self-Administered Zone (SAZ), tourists have to required to pay $ 5 as a zone fee and $ 3 as a Shwe Oo Min Cave pagoda entrance fee. Altogether $8 for the region, starts from January 2017. Danu Region is a peaceful region in Myanmar and safe to travel around the whole region with guide. Most of the people does not understand other foreign languages.
Danu Trails are located exclusively in the Danu SAZ. Trails are of varying lengths and distances. You can explore them here.
We have identified the type of trail (cultural, natural or adventure) as well as the level of difficulty (on a scale of 1 to 5, where one is easy). Many of the trails are also suitable for mountain bikes, if that's your sport of choice!
Trekking Guides
Danu Trails are best explored with others! You should always trek with an experienced and licensed guide.
Local guides offer a wealth of local knowledge and are happy to share their unique region with you.
Discover the Trails
Click on the posts below to discover details about each of the trails.
July 7, 2015...July 7, 2015June 30, 2015...Hotels
The hotels listed below use local guides and can arrange Danu Trails trekking trips for tourists.
Inle Inn Hotel
Tel: (95 1) 448 1311 or (95 1) 448 1312
Thahara Pindaya
Global Grace Hotel - Pindaya
Tel : +95 9 8622 447, +95 9 49100088, + 95 81 66189
Fax : +95 81 66189
The Restaurants listed below use local guides and can arrange Danu Trails trekking trips for tourists.
Travel Agents
The Travel Agents listed below use local guides and can arrange Danu Trails trekking trips for tourists.
Tel: +95 1 706117
Office hours:
Monday-Friday: 09:00-17:30 (GMT+6:30)Saturday: 09:00-13:00 (GMT+6:30)Sunday: closed
Be a Better Traveller
Do you want to be a more culturally aware traveller? If so, our partner GIZ has supported the development of "better traveller" posters in Myanmar and English: Click below for the full posters!
Click here for English (18MB)
These posters with all cartoons and images can be used freely, we only ask that you acknowledge GIZ s their copyright holder
Click here for Myanmar (16MB)
You can use either the whole posters or individual cartoons, depending on your needs
Only in DANU
Besides walking on the trails, there are many things to do in Danu Zone. It is a culturally rich area and tourists are warmly invited to learn about the unique culture in this area.
Discover the cuisine of the region! The tofu in Pindaya, made with chickpeas, is a great pre-trekking meal!
Tea and Coffee
There is much tea and coffee being grown in the Danu Zone. Tourists can visit a community based green tea factory in Sea Kyah Inn and find fresh coffee fields along many of the trekking routes.
From paper umbrellas to bamboo hats - many unique handicrafts are produced in the region. Take the time to visit the workshops and learn about the traditions of making things by hand.
The development of Danu Trails was funded by GIZ Myanmar and developed by Myanmar Institute for Integrated Development and the Danu Culture, Literature and Development Association.
All questions about the trails and the projects should be directed to danutrails@gmail.com